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Oct 7, 2021

Sharon Hom (Executive Director, Human Rights in China, HK/US).
Moderated by Magnus Ag (Journalist, Human Rights Advocate, Founder of Bridge Figures, DK/NO).

In recent decades, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has increasingly challenged international human rights norms and values and aggressively promoted its alternative models for human rights, development, and even, as it claims, “democracy.” Framed within a narrative of global resistance against Western imperialism and exploitation, the CPC now centers its ideological battle on the narrative that the U.S. (and its allies) are trying to impose their values—values of democracy and fundamental rights—on countries with values that prioritize collective aims, values that have been shaped by their respective historical, cultural, and economic conditions. What are the power dimensions of this narrative? How is it promoted? Who benefits from, who is harmed by uncritical or implicit acceptance of it? And where do fundamental rights enshrined in international human rights treaties fit into this contest? Beyond discursive contests, why does this matter? How can progressive communities push back and contribute to more empowering space for and solidarity with domestic rights defenders and citizen actions?