Dec 7, 2016
TRUTH-TELLERS: The Impact of Speaking Out. The 10th event of the Disruption Network Lab. Panel: Beyond Evidence. Finding Sources, Questioning Truth with Jack Werner (investigative journalist, SE), Hans Bernhard / UBERMORGEN (artist, CH/USA/AT) Carmen Weisskopf and Domagoj Smoljo / !Mediengruppe Bitnik (artists, CH/DE)....
Dec 7, 2016
TRUTH-TELLERS: The Impact of Speaking Out. The 10th event of the Disruption Network Lab. Keynote: 50 Days of Lulz with Mustafa Al-Bassam (alias Tflow, former core member, LulzSec, UK). Moderated by Gabriella Coleman (Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy at McGill University, Quebec, CA). This...
Dec 1, 2016
IGNORANCE: The Power of Non-Knowledge. The 9th event of the Disruption Network Lab. Panel: Manipulation Incorporated: On Social Media Targeting, Self-Branding, and Emotional Pornification with Ippolita (activists and writers, IT), Hannah Jane Parkinson (digital culture journalist and writer, UK), and Vladan Joler (SHARE...
Dec 1, 2016
IGNORANCE: The Power of Non-Knowledge. The 9th event of the Disruption Network Lab. Panel: The Forbidden, the Doubtful and the Moral. What Could Be Known But Isn’t with Joanna Kempner (sociologist, US), Jamie Allen (artist and researcher, CA/CH), Jan Willem Wieland (philosopher and researcher, NL). Moderated by Teresa...
Dec 1, 2016
IGNORANCE: The Power of Non-Knowledge. The 9th event of the Disruption Network Lab. Keynote: Ignorance. How to Know about Not Knowing with Matthias Gross (sociologist and science studies scholar, DE). Moderated by Daniela Silvestrin (curator, Disruption Network Lab, DE). In his keynote, Matthias Gross will present...